Responsive Website Design

11 Website Design Trends for 2022

The ability to keep your business on pace with the latest trends is important. Your small business’s marketability is dependent on its ability to connect with each visitor that lands on your website. The easiest way to do this is to have a website that is created with the latest website design trends for 2022. 

One Page Website 

A challenge that happens in digital marketing is the rise of friction. Friction is created when steps are added to the customer’s journey to our end goal. It indicates a potential sticking point for a customer in their journey through the pipeline. A one page website offers a simple and modern aesthetic while greatly reducing friction for your end users. A budget friendly option that will help your web design get directly to the customer. 

Lottie Animations 

Lottie animations will add an engaging and high tech element to your new website design. A Lottie file is a JSON-based animation file format that activates on hover. Instead of using a GIF file which runs on a loop, the Lottie file will activate when the user engages which provides a higher impact. Our colleagues at University CoWork (where our office is located) do a great job of this. We are also in the process of designing some icons for a longtime retainer client, OHi that you can see below.

3D Claymorphism 

You can’t talk about design trends without mentioning something Apple is doing. The trending style to create clay like characters that play into the bitmoji obsession is being used all over iMessage, Snapchat and more. Implementing these elements into your website design will help deliver an elevated and modern feel. 

Creative Email Capture

The need to capture data has neve been hire for marketers. A solid and well managed email database can lead to longer consumer life times, consistent recurring revenue and an elevated customer experience. Consumers are more intelligent about giving out their data than ever before. This means you need to be more creative to build your email list. We utilize a spin wheel in one of our recent website designs.

Big Typography Header

The goal of any good header image or what is now referred to as a hero image, is to grab the attention of the visitor. This website design trend steals one straight from the newspaper. The big typography style headline fills into the simplistic style that has become very prevalent in 2022 web design

Gender Neutral Design

What was once considered a considerate gesture is now a must in terms of your website design. A gender neutral design will help showcase a strong value system while also being sure to not pigeonhole your brand into feminine or masculine directions. 

Behavioral Design

The customer and user experience has become increasingly important in marketing. This website design trend may be more challenging to implement but can also be the most rewarding. Behavioral design is a systematic understanding of how people think and how they make decisions. It is important to have a clear understanding of your target demographic, make their buying decisions and design your website to fit their behavior. 

Visible Borders 

A new trend that has been popping up more in 2022 are the visible border design dynamic. You can see in our transportation web design below, that the website is visibly boxed around. This design aesthetic is a shift in the wider, full view websites that had become the website design norm. A great way to set yourself apart and focus the website visitors viewpoint to the center of the screen.

Moving Type 

The ability to maintain the visitors attention has become more and more challenging. Moving type can provide an immediate attention grabbing effect. This is great to utilize on landing pages or in the hero section of your website. 

Custom Graphics 

The more you can customize your website to differentiate your small business from the competition the better. Custom graphics provide a huge impact and will outperform any stock imagery that you would use. These will help to not only improve your website but provide a positive brand impact and user experience. 


Another great website design trend for 2022 is to utilize illustrations. A playful match for a child target demographic would be pairing your website design with illustration. A softer, more animated approach is sometimes necessary to connect with your buyer in a different way. In the example below we took one of the product users and illustrated her to help her be a brand ambassador.

As we get deeper into 2022, these website design trends will only continue to grow and impact business positively. If you are in need of a web design expert, we are here to help. Schedule a free marketing consultation with a member of our team today!

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